
Pupils Mobility England-Italy 2013

Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca
Istituto Comprensivo “G.Romanino” di Bienno     
                                                                                                                                                    Bienno,   09/07/2012
Hypothesis to be discussed in the meeting in Torquay
(Bienno pupils involved: first year of Secondary School pupils next school year     2012/2013)        
-          Proposal to get better the knowledge and the comparison among teaching and organizational methods between the two school institutes, promoting the learning of the English language as communication target language, in cooperation with the Sherwell Valley Primary School  of Torquay and Comprehensive Institute “G. Romanino” of Bienno.
-          Pupils involved: 15 selected students from both the schools, the same students already involved in penpals Comenius project during the school year 2011-2012. The pupils of Bienno will be attending the first year of secondary in school year 2012/2013.

1-    Encourage a mutual pupils mobility already involved in an ongoing Multilateral Comenius Project in place.
2-    Promote socialization in a more concrete and less restricted way compared to the traditional school environment.
3-    Permit to exercise the sense of personal responsibility and increase the amount of autonomy in situations other than those that occur at school.
4-    Facilitate the possibility to come into contact and integrate with cultural aspects other than its own.
5-    Allow a more direct approach to aspects of culture, increasing in general motivation to learn.
6-    Promote the learning of subjects that not always the text books are able to fulfill.
7-    Create learning situations suitable for all.
8-    Opening  the School to the European reality that surrounds, integrating it more concretely with civil society.

WEEK 20-24 MAY  2013:  fifteen Italian pupils move to Sherwell Valley Primary School in Torquay
4 days mobility: 2 days for journeys and 2 days of activities at school.
Two mornings to dedicate to lab activities in Torquay school; visit to the territory in the afternoon, hopefully leaded by local students and/or teachers.

-          In classroom (each day for about an hour): the Italian pupils become teachers of  Italian (10 minutes in small groups) and make lesson in English;
-          In the theatre: Torquay’s got talent – Bienno’s got talent (songs –sleight of hand-jokes-choral-musical virtuosity)

FIRST WEEK OF JUNE ( week 3rd to 7th June 2013): English pupils move to Bienno secondary school, working with their penpal friends attending first year).
Four days at Bienno secondary school (2days of activities and two days of journey).
Scheduled time: h.8-12; free afternoon with visit to the nearby territory ( a walk in the mountains in Borno – Roman museum in Cividate Camuno – Rock engravings park in Capo di Ponte)

-          An hour for each day in Bienno the English students will make a brief lesson to the Italian students (also using posters, image reading, slides, power point presentation);
-          In the theatre: Torquay’s got talent – Bienno’s got talent (songs - sleight of hand-jokes-choral-musical virtuosity)
-          To follow some recreative activities and songs in English.

These activities to propose could be agreed in staff school meetings of both the Institutes and be shared, improved and enriched all along the school year 2012/2013, also through contact by email.
The planned Comenius project visit to Torquay in November 2012 could be a further opportunity for mutual exchange for the design itself.

Dr. Vittorio Daniele Violi